Call 811

Damage Prevention

The single greatest cause of pipeline accidents is damage from outside forces. Most pipeline leaks occur when landowners, contractors or excavators are unaware of a pipeline's location before they begin to blast, dig, ditch, drill or plow. It's important to become partners in safety.

Together we can reduce third-party damage to the pipeline, prevent accidents and maintain public safety. You can help by watching for and notifying Kern River about suspicious activity and construction near the pipeline right of way. No one should blast, dig, ditch, drill, level or plow near the right of way without first contacting 811 or their state One Call center at least two business days in advance to have underground utilities marked.

How to Locate a Pipeline

For safety reasons, most of Kern River's pipelines are buried. We install line markers at road, rail and river crossings and other places along the rights of way to help the public identify the location of our buried pipelines.

Markers show the general location of the pipeline and provide emergency contact information. Markers cannot be relied upon to indicate the exact location or depth of the pipeline. If you are planning a digging project, it's important that you first call 811 so we can mark the location of the pipeline and have a representative present when digging occurs.

In case of an emergency, call 911 or your local emergency response number and Kern River's 24-hour emergency number listed on the line markers. Call us immediately if one of our pipelines is struck or if you see someone working near them. Even minor dents, chips or scrapes are serious and may cause future leaks if they are not repaired.

For additional information on transmission pipelines and pipeline operators in your area, access the National Pipeline Mapping System, a geographic information system maintained by the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

pipline marker photo

Call Before You Dig

Whether you're a contractor, a farmer or just planning to do some work around your yard that requires excavation, you must contact a One Call center at least two business days before beginning any work. One easy phone call to 811 quickly begins the process of getting underground facilities marked. The call and the marking service are free.

These simple steps can prevent most third-party pipeline accidents:

Recognizing a Leak

Pipeline leaks are rare, but you should know what to do in the unlikely event one occurs. Following are several ways to detect a natural gas pipeline leak:

What to do if a leak occurs: