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Our Safety Commitment

Kern River is committed to safety and believes it is an integral part of our company's performance. Our policy is to meet or exceed all applicable local, state and federal safety laws and regulations in the construction and operation of our pipelines and facilities. The safety of interstate pipelines is regulated by the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. The DOT imposes a broad range of rigorous standards and inspection requirements for pipeline design, material specifications, construction, maintenance and testing.

We Build Safety into Our Pipelines

We Keep Our Pipelines Safe and Reliable During Operation

MAOP Special Permit

Kern River has obtained a special permit from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and a certificate from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to increase the maximum allowable operating pressure on our system. As a condition of receiving the PHMSA authorization, Kern River is obligated to perform additional activities to enhance the safety of the pipeline. This involves surveys of our cathodic protection system. The surveys are performed in authorized areas to verify the cathodic protection system is operating correctly. The cathodic protection system protects the pipeline from corrosion. Kern River will continue to perform internal pipeline inspections to look for any potential problems with the pipeline.